
Alexander Gustafsson var nära att lägga handskarna på hyllan

Alexander Gustafsson åkte senast på en tung förlust då han slogs ut av Anthony ”Rumble” Johnson under ”UFC on FOX 14” vid Tele 2 Arena, och var nära att lägga handskarna på hyllan efter nederlaget. Trots förlusten tilldelades Gustafsson nästa chans på titeln då han kommer att möta mästaren Daniel Cormier härnäst, och här kan ni läsa vad han hade att säga om tiden efter matchen mot ”Rumble” och den kommande titelmatchen via ”MMAJunkie”:

It was really bad. I lost fights before, but this fight was the fight I couldn’t lose. I was supposed to win this fight, but I didn’t. I was thinking about that, to quit the sport. I was really depressed after the fight. It was a really bad blow for me – for my career and my personal life. It was a tough hit to take. The fight I couldn’t lose, I actually lost.

My motivation was gone, basically, so that was the toughest part, to keep on training with no motivation. I just wanted to escape from everything, escape from Stockholm, from the media, from everything. I didn’t want to see the gym. It was tough.

My motivation is on top. I feel great. I feel great to be back in training, and everything is so much fun. I’m just a happy guy right now. Everything is fun. Training is fun. Doing everything that comes with MMA is fun right now. So I’m just enjoying my time.

I just see this as a second chance, as an opportunity for me. I won’t even go into why it happened or why I should fight him. I’m just enjoying my time. I just know that I got a second chance, and I will do the best that I can and show everybody that I can be the best guy in the world.

När mötet mellan Alexander och Cormier kommer att äga rum är dock i dagsläget oklart, men någon gång efter sommaren kommer vi att få se Gustafsson i ytterligare en titelmatch.

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