
Arlovski vs. Browne: Matchen som nästan inte blev av

Andrei Arlovski fortsatte sin vinstsvit med knockoutvinsten mot Travis Browne och står nu med 5 raka vinster mot bland andra Brendan Schaub och Antonio Silva.

Matchen var dock nära att inte bli av på grund av en skada i ena vaden som Arlovski ådrog sig två timmar innan matchen.

Det här berättar Dana White, via ”MMAFighting”:

Two hours before he came out, we didn’t think he was going to fight. He popped something in his calf the night before, could barely walk, was limping. The doctors checked him out and I guarantee you, he gritted it out to show the doctors that he could fight. So the doctors said it’s up to you, do you want to fight? He said yes.

Then I had people go get him and bring him to my dressing room and said, ‘Do you want to fight? Are you sure you want to take this fight? You don’t have to take this fight.’ He looked at me and said, ‘Is this seriously why you just called me back here?’ I said yeah. He said, ‘I’m fighting,’ and he left my dressing room. And then came out and did that.

Arlovski står nu med 24 vinster och 10 förluster.

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