
B.J. Penn förklarar sig: ”I never gave any thought”

B.J. Penn plockades bort från UFC 199 efter att det uppdagades att han använt sig av dropp, och kommer därför inte att möta Cole Miller. Nu förklarar Penn varför han använde sig av dropp, och att han inte tänkte på huruvida det var otillåtet eller ej.

Detta hade B.J. att säga, via ”BloodyElbow”:

They said that after doing a physical on me and taking a look at my symptoms, a glutathione IV would be great for me. They told me that having the glutathione administered through an IV would be the best way for my body to absorb the antioxidant. So the first thing I told them was that I am signed up with USADA year-round, so we have to take a look at their ‘banned substances list’ and make sure there is nothing in there.

Once we discovered that nothing in the IV was on the banned substance list, I let the doctor administer the IV. I was so focused on USADA’s banned substance list that I never gave any thought to the IV except for the fact that sometimes people had used them after weigh-ins before a fight

Of course they are for wimps when the IV is being used to rehydrate a fighter who has nearly killed himself cutting weight so that he can fight a smaller man. If you are using an IV for that purpose, then of course you are a wimp and I’ll tell anyone that to their face.

Penn har lovat fansen att återvända in i oktogonen så snart som möjligt, men när och mot vem återstår dock att se.

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UFC 199 Embedded: Avsnitt 2

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