
Brendan Schaub lägger handskarna på hyllan

Brendan Schaub har förlorat fyra av sina sex senaste matcher och har inte fightats sedan december 2014, då han slogs ut av Travis Browne vid UFC 181. Nu väljer tungviktaren att lägga handskarna på hyllan, då han bland annat vägrar kliva in i oktagonen med Reebok som sponsor. Detta hade han att säga via “The Joe Rogan Experience”:

It’d be tough for me to say, ‘You know what? Let me go fight some monster who’s been training full-time and not telling dick jokes and selling f-cking ‘Big Brown’ shirts full time. Let me go fight that guy’. I won’t do the game a disservice. I won’t do that. Unless I can focus on it full-time, there’s just no way. Do I want one more? F-ck yes, man. But it just doesn’t make sense. I can’t see myself, when it comes down to this, I can’t see myself in a f-cking Reebok kit walking out to that octagon. I can’t see myself being like, ‘You know what? Cool, man. Yeah, that’s what I’m worth. I’m worth 10 grand to you guys. I’m gonna do this.’ And I have other opportunities. People think I’m this hater on the UFC or whatever – I owe it to the UFC. I’ll always be indebted to the UFC. People think I have a problem with Dana White. I definitely don’t. If Dana was in trouble and texted me right now and said, ‘Hey Schaub, I wish you’d quit talking sh-t about Reebok,’ or, ‘I need help.’ You got it, man. Cool. Done. I’m stepping away from the game, man. There’s not going to be no Schaub Reebok kits out there. I won’t be fighting anyone any time soon.

Om vi någonsin kommer få se Schaub inne i oktagonen igen, återstår att se.

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