
Chael Sonnen är en stor supporter av Donald Trump

Chael Sonnen har aldrig varit den som smider sin ord, utan säger precis vad han tycker och tänker. Här avslöjar han att han är en stor supporter av den amerikanske presidentkandidaten Donald Trump.

Det här berättade Sonnen via ”FOX Sports”:

I’m a huge supporter of Trump. When people talk about him, I hear all these political analysts, they’re just terrible. That’s another space if I had enough time I would just go and take over because they don’t even know what they’re talking about. They put on their fancy suits, they sit behind their microphones, they collect a paycheck and they don’t know a damn thing about what they’re talking about.

If Donald Trump’s campaign falls off the cliff tomorrow — and history says that it does. The frontrunner never maintains his lead. History says it falls off the cliff tomorrow and if it does, every pundit out there still loses. Because not one of them predicted he could make it this far. Not one of them predicted he was going to run or that he was going to lead in the polls, or that he could maintain a lead with the smallest fundraising and not accepting money from political action committees. They all lose and he wins.

Sonnen är väl medveten om att den före detta TV-värden Trump är en kontroversiell figur inom politiken och hans kampanj inför presidentvalet 2016, men tror att Trump kan komma att ändra världspolitiken.

Whether you agree with him or you don’t, it’s absolutely secondary to the fact that he has courage. I listen to these pundits all the time breaking down Trump — ‘he’s brash and he’s bold and he’s successful’ and none of those are what it is. There’s one word to sum it up and it’s courage. He has courage. There’s a courage in running for president, there’s also a huge ego involved, there’s a few things that you need to be a political candidate.

If for nothing else, whether I don’t have a fan in the world or I turn out to be the biggest pay-per-view draw there is, I’m going to be real. Making a comparison to Donald Trump — it doesn’t matter whether you agree with him or don’t, you can’t disagree with what I’m saying that he has changed the way politicians speak.

He has changed the entire dialogue. There were guys who did that in pro wrestling — “Stone Cold” Steve Austin did that in wrestling. It wasn’t as though I was the original, I was just the original in our sport.

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