
Chael Sonnen tycker inte Wanderlei Silva fattar rätt beslut

Wanderlei Silva har inte haft det särskilt lätt sedan han pensionerat sig, och den senaste tiden har Silva haft en del problem med UFC som han fortfarande har kontrakt med. Nu har Chael Sonnen gått ut och sagt sitt om hela situationen, och han tycker Wanderlei fattar en hel del dåliga beslut.

Detta hade Chael att säga via ”BlodyElbow”:

I don’t know who is advising Wanderlei and I don’t know who his management team is, if they have a PR arm, but I really disagree with the way he has gone about things. My suspicion is that he’s not getting advice from anywhere. He seems to be making all these moves on his own. I really wish he would just slow down. He’s at a weird point in his life; when your career starts coming to an end, and that’s what you’re used to doing every day, it’s hard to deal with. You get used to a certain lifestyle; the working out every day, the interviews and appearances… everybody goes through it.

I think what we’re all seeing is Wanderlei going through some of these changes that he’s struggling with. He’s still trying to figure out how to navigate them. I don’t know who’s managing him, but the things he’s doing are not things I would advise him to do. Wanderlei is in a bad spot. He made some bad decisions and all of that, but he still has to deal with it. Time is the only dimension that goes one way, and that’s forward. You can’t go back. I just think he’s making some bad choices.

If I could just get him on the phone for 10 minutes, I’d give him some advice. I doubt he’d listen, but I would try to help him. I tried to give him some advice on The Ultimate Fighter, but he didn’t take it. I know if he gave me advice, I’d listen. He’s been in the sport for a long time, and if he was to sit me down and say, ‘Here’s what I regret in my career,’ and whether it was training or diet or taking fights or management or PR, I’d listen, particularly to the stuff that he said I did wrong.

I just want to shake him and say, ‘You’ve got to step back and see the bigger picture here.’ He didn’t have to do this. He got to do this. I didn’t have to fight Anderson Silva. I got to fight him. It’s all about building memories and having something to look back on.

Sonnen var tidigare tänkt att möta Silva inne i oktagonen, men mötet avbokades efter det att Wanderlei sprungit från ett dopningstest. Chael testade senare under året positivt, och lade handskarna på hyllan även han.

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