
Conor McGregor får reducerat straff från NSAC för flaskkastningen inför UFC 202

Inför returmatchen mellan Conor McGregor och Nate Diaz förra året utbröt kaos under en av presskonferenserna dagar innan matchen, då de två började kast vattenflaskor och burkar mot varandra. McGregors straff för incidenten var från början 150 000 dollar, 50 timmar samhällstjänst samt ett krav på att medverka i en video för arbete mot mobbning. Efter en vecka visade det sig att irländaren ’bara’ behövde betala 75 000 dollar.

McGregor har vägrat betala sin bot och hotat med att aldrig komma tillbaka till Las Vegas för några fler matcher i framtiden. Nu har kommissionen kommit överens om att sänka straffet för mästaren, till endast 25 000 dollar samt 25 timmar samhällstjänst.

Det här berättade Bob Bennett från NSAC:

[McGregor] took full responsibility for his inappropriate behavior when he was on the telephone last time (in October). The line was a little broken, but he apologized profusely, not only to the commission, to the fans, to everybody who had observed that activity, and just said ‘hey look, I made a mistake, I apologize, I’m asking for your forgiveness.’ And I would respectfully remind you that there was no settlement agreement in place. We didn’t have any conversations with Mr. McGregor or his attorney as to, ‘well, this could happen, he may get fined, he may get suspended.’

No, he just came forward and said, ‘hey look, I was out of line, I really apologize. I wish I hadn’t done it.’ And in essence, he placed the outcome in the hands of the commission, which I thought was very honorable of him.

[There were] some references made to (Daniel) Cormier and (Jon) Jones’ incident, as I previously said, that was not on-point and it wasn’t a fair comparison. Because … of course what they were going to be making was significantly more than what Jones and Cormier did, just because the fines were higher. And in my opinion, with all due respect, I just didn’t think that was fair. And I think that’s one of the main reasons the chairman decided for us to have a meeting and to make this motion for reconsideration.

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