
Conor McGregor: Jag kommer knocka Jose Aldo i fjärde minuten

Conor McGregor brukar försöka förutspå hur sina matcher kommer att sluta, och ofta går det mer eller mindre som han sagt. Nu har McGregor gått ut och sagt hur titelmatchen mot Jose Aldo kommer att gå, och han tänker knocka mästaren i fjärde minuten.

Detta hade Conor att säga, via ”ESPN”:

I always make accurate predictions. I have predicted many contests. I have my entire career. I predict the future. For me, I have already predicted this contest. At four minutes of the first round he will be KO’ed. I feel that the power matched with the precision, he will not be able to take it. Four minutes he will be done.

I’m in a business where you must be confident. If you have any doubts they will come back and play against you. So I am supremely confident as well as I am confident in my work ethic. My approach to the game, my non-stop effort to get better as a martial artist. I don’t feel that anyone else in the game is doing what I’m doing and moving the way I am moving.

It just comes from years and years of practice on the mat. I have had many fights inside the octagon, outside the octagon, in rings, on mats. I am an experienced veteran in the fight game. Through that and through a believe team and my ability I have just gained a bulletproof confidence that I cannot be stopped.

Under dagen kommer Aldo att genomgå sitt första träningspass sedan revbensskadan, och förhoppningsvis blir det just dessa två kämpar vi ser inne i oktagonen den 11 juli under UFC 189. Om skadan håller Jose borta från att tävla, kommer Chad Mendes att ta hans plats.

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