
Dana White har pratat med Ronda Rousey: ’I don’t expect her to ever fight again’

Ronda Rousey gick under UFC 207 med sin andra raka förlust när hon knockades av brasilianskan Amanda Nunes. Frågan man ställt sig efter matchen är om det var det sista vi fick se av den forne mästarinnan i MMA.

Dana White meddelar att han nu har haft ett samtal med Rousey på telefon. Ingenting är ännu bestämt, men VD:n och promotorn förväntar sig inte att Rousey kommer slåss i UFC igen.

Via UFC Unfiltered:

Funny you asked me that, I just talked to Ronda this morning on the way to the gym. She’s good you know, she’s doing her thing. The conversation I had her with her, if I had to say it right here right now, and I don’t like saying anything because it’s up to her, but I wouldn’t say she fights again.

I think she’s probably done and she’s going to ride off into the sunset and live her life outside of fighting.

White tror dock att det handlar mer än om att Rousey har fallit från sin tron som mästarinna i sporten och att hon vill ägna sig åt andra saker i sitt liv.

It’s not even that I think it was an invincible thing, I think she is just so competitive that her career and her record meant everything to her. Once she lost she started to say to herself why the f*ck am I doing? Is this my whole life? Is this just it? I think she just thought she wanted to experience and do other things and that’s what she started to do.

She’s got a lot of money and she’s never going to need money again. Unless you spend money like crazy, like Floyd [Mayweather], you aren’t going to need money again when you have the kind of money like Ronda has.

She has a cute place down in Venice, California and think she has some more plans to move to a more desolate place and do her thing.

Look man, I’m happy for her. She came in and she changed the world. She put female fighting on the map and she’s been a part of the biggest fights in the history of women’s fighting. I hope those records can be broken. I don’t know if they can, but I hope they can.

Angående kritiken mot tränaren Edmond Tarverdyan anser White mycket av kritiken har varit obefogad, eftersom ingenting sades när Rousey segrade mot sina motståndare.

No one was criticizing him when she was winning. That’s between her and him. People are like saying she should fire him, but look, everyone’s a f*cking expert. When she was winning nobody was an expert and saying she should be looking at a different coach to this guy, but when she loses that’s what everybody says.

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