
Dana White: Ronda Rousey kommer inte byta gym

Efter Ronda Rouseys första förlust mot Holly Holm i helgen har det pratats en del om att hon borde börja träna på ett annat gym för att bli bättre på boxning.

Dana White är dock skeptiskt till att Rousey skulle gå med att sluta träna med Edmond Tarverdyan och tror att han kan hjälpa henne med hennes striking och fotarbete om de bara utvecklar en ny plan.

Det här berättade White, via ”The Joe Rogan Experience”:

If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it. The thing is, now what do they do? At the end of the day, Edmond’s a guy who really cares about Ronda and her career and all of that stuff. I think as a team they’ll sit down and try to figure out what went wrong and what needs to be fixed.

Joe Rogan har varit bekymrad över Tarverdyans coachning av Rousey under hennes senaste match, eftersom Rousey efter första ronden såg utmattad ut av att ha blivit slagen av Holm. Trots detta kunde man höra Tarverdyan säga till Rousey att allt gick bra för henne.

Det här berättade Rogan:

I like Edmond, I talk to that guy all the time, I always hug him when I see him, (but) I do not like what he did in the corner (between rounds). He wasn’t honest with her. He told her she did great, like, ‘Great round, champ.’

Maybe he was trying to psychologically pump her up, but she needed technical advice. She needed someone to tell her what she’s doing wrong and how to correct it. He’s more of a boxing coach than he is an overall MMA coach.

To figure out how to beat every different style of martial artist, we’d talked about the one thing we hadn’t seen Ronda deal with was somebody who knows how to kick. Cat Zingano was the only possibility, and Cat just made a crazy mistake and rushed Ronda. But what Holly Holm was able to do was keep her on the outside, a lot of kicking – and that’s kind of missing in Ronda’s game, the kicking aspect. I don’t recall ever seeing her throw a kick.

Rousey fick medicinsk avstängning och kan nu komma att vara borta 180 dagar på grund av sina skador.

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