
Dana White: ”Slagsmålet mellan Jones och Cormier var vårt fel”

Innan Jon Jones skadade knät var tanken att lätt tungviktsmästaren skulle möta Daniel Cormier vid UFC 178, men redan under en presskonferens inför evenemanget bröt ett slagsmål ut mellan de båda kämparna. Nu har UFC tagit på sig skulden för det inträffade, och detta var vad Dana White hade att säga via ”MMAJunkie”:

You want my personal opinion? Our bad. It’s our bad. These guys are fighters. They’re two of the baddest dudes on the planet. They’re going face-to-face to stare off. We have to make sure that doesn’t happen and shouldn’t happen, but it did.

What happened was, when Jones went in fast and hard the way he did, he head butted (Cormier). Listen, you’ve got two of the baddest dudes in the world going face-to-face. Every time you do a staredown, it’s always explosive and anything can happen.

Dave ‘The Ragdoll’ Sholler, he doesn’t have a lot of experience in that position. That thing got a little crazy. It’s going to happen. This isn’t ice-skating. It’s the fight business and anything can happen at any given moment, no matter how educated the guys are, how great they are, everything is always explosive, man. Two of the baddest dudes get in each other’s face, you’ve got to be ready and make sure nothing happens.

Jones och Cormier kommer istället att mötas under UFC 182 den 3 januari, i Las Vegas.

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