
Dana White: Vi tar oss in i Ryssland nu

Det har länge pratats om att UFC vill hålla galor i Ryssland, och nu ser det ut som att deras önskan kommer bli verklighet. Detta hade nämligen organisationens VD Dana White att säga om det hela via ”FOX Business”:

We’re finally, in my opinion, starting to get the respect we’ve deserved for a long time. The NFL, as big as it is — and it’s the biggest thing in the United States — in the other countries they don’t care about it. We’re going into Russia now, we’ve been in every country all over the world.

Detta hade Rysslands Vitaly Mutko att säga via ”R-Sport”:

A little while ago I’ve met with the UFC owners. They say that we do not have a single partner or a title fight in Russia. Our Khabib there is alone, beating everybody. They’ve shown me their presentation. I was shocked when I saw what they were doing. The revenues, how much they get from the TV.

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