
Daniel Cormier och Travis Browne tycker olika gällande de nya reglerna mot dopning

Straffen kring dopning skärptes nyligen, men alla håller inte med om att hårdare straff är den bästa lösningen för att stoppa fuskandet. Daniel Cormier är en av de som tycker att de nya reglerna är bra för sporten, men Travis Browne tycker att de är för hårda.

Detta hade Cormier att säga, via ”MMAFighting”:

I think it’s good. You have to do something that discourages these guys from cheating, Half the time, guys will take risks if they know the penalty is not too steep.

You have to make sure people know there is no tolerance for this type of stuff. There will be no tolerance for drugs of any kind. So yeah, I think it’s great. It will scare these guys into, if you don’t give a guy to make a way to earn, to make a living, then they will take notice and not make these mistakes.

Browne håller dock inte med:

A year is bad enough, if you want to send a message, I would say a financial message is harder. You still allow the guy to fight, but, okay, 30-40 percent, I get it, getting fined 30-40 percent of your purse. But, two years out of the game, you’re not fighting. Think about it. Most of these guys, if you took me out for two years right now, I would be 34 and trying to make a comeback.

Right now, people are whining and complaining about that Reebok thing. We’re in that transition phase. This sport is still young. We’re not like the NFL, the NBA, MLB. we’re growing and we’re in transition.

Daniel kommer att ta sig an Anthony Johnson vid en titelmatch i UFC:s lätta tungvikt under helgens UFC 187, medan Browne möter Andrei Arlovski vid samma gala.

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