
Daniel Cormier om rivaliteten med Jon Jones: ”I’m not willing to wait at all”

Det mest efterlängtade mötet mellan lätt tungvikts mästaren Daniel Cormier och utmanaren Jon Jones skulle gå av stapeln förra helgen vid UFC 200. Matchen blev dock aldrig av efter att Jones testat positivt på otillåtna substanser i kroppen. Istället fick Cormier möta före detta mellanviktsmästaren Andersson Silva, som han vann över via enhälligt domslut. I en intervju på radioshowen ”SiriusXM” berättar han om hur rivaliteten ser ut efter dopningsskandalen.

Så här säger Cormier:

We’ve been scheduled to fight 4 times. We’ve fought the once. The first fight obviously he got hurt, then he beat me in January. I got hurt the second time, and now this. It just seems as though we can’t make money together. We do good business when we do fight but we just haven’t been able to get to the octagon. It’s the weirdest thing and it keeps our story going and the reality is I don’t think we really want our story to keep going. It’s so draining and taxing mentally to be involved in this rivalry that we have

You don’t put yourself in those situations and I can’t really count on him to be there. I can only control what I can control and fight whose there to be fought. Just like last year. Last year I fought who was there to fight. The people I fought were there to be fought: Rumble and Alexander.

I’m not willing to wait at all for Jones. Even if they suspend him for just a few months, I don’t care. I’m probably gonna fight somebody different first. I need to separate myself from this a little bit, for me. For me and my mind, my mentality. I think I need to separate myself from him a little bit. It’s so emotionally taxing with everything that has happened and it hasn’t come to pass

Jon Jones is a phenomenal athlete, a great champion, but a confused individual. He needs guidance and if he finds guidance he could actually be a very special member of society…He’s a great champion in athletics, and outside he’s just a confused person who is trying to find his way

Det återstår att se vad som väntar mästaren Cormier som har försvarat bältet två gånger. Enligt vår ”Kimura Matchmaker” kan matchen mellan Anthony Johnson och Glover Teixera vid UFC 202 vara aktuell för Cormier, då vinnaren i den matchen kan bli nästa person att utmana om bältet. 

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