
Eddie Alvarez: Det finns ett enkelt sätt att besegra Conor McGregor

Conor McGregor står nu obesegrad i UFC med 7 raka vinster och tog senast hem fjäderviktsbältet efter mötet med den brasilianske mästaren Jose Aldo, som ansågs vara en utav de bästa genom tiderna eftersom han var obesegrad under 10 års tid. Irländaren avslutade då Aldo på 13 sekunder under UFC 194.

McGregor möter nu härnäst lättviktsmästaren Rafael Dos Anjos om bältet under UFC 196.

Eddie Alvarez anser att det inte bör vara någon större utmaning att segra mot McGregor och menar att de tidigare motståndarna bara använt sig utav fel tillvägagångssätt.

Det här berättade Alvarez, via ”MMAFighting”:

For me, it’s a very simple fight for RDA to win, but he needs to implement a ground attack. If he don’t, I honestly feel like he can get knocked out, just like the other guys Conor was able to knock out. But he can’t allow it to be mostly of a striking.

I hate when guys who are from a BJJ background and a good wrestling background abandon their whole base and their whole fundamental because a lot of guys around them are telling them that they’re really good strikers. I hope RDA doesn’t do that. I hope he sticks to what he’s good at and wins the fight in a dominant fashion the way he can, the way I feel like a lot of guys can that aren’t doing it against Conor.

There’s a simple way to win against this guy and nobody seems to be doing it. It’s really frustrating to watch.

I feel like he’ll look foolish. I honestly feel it could be an embarrassment. It could be like everyone in the crowd going, ’Wow, that was it? Why didn’t anybody else do that?’ It could be that surprising to people. That’s how I feel. We just haven’t seen him there.

Vissa anser att McGregor redan visat att han kan ta en match på mattan när han mötte Chad Mendes under UFC 189. Alvarez håller dock inte med om detta eftersom Mendes enligt honom inte var i form för att brottas.

Let’s talk about that for one second. Mendes is primarily a wrestler, correct? Primarily a wrestler. In order to implement a wrestling attack, it takes a ton of energy and a ton of conditioning and energy. You can’t roll off the couch and implement a wrestling attack against a guy. It’s just not going to happen. You need to be conditioned. You need to be in shape.

If you’re a wrestler and you’re rolling off the couch and going to fight, essentially, you have no weapons. You have none. Your only weapon wrestling is no good because you’re not conditioned.

Alvarez tror att hela McGregor-hysterin kommer att sluta abrupt när någon beslutar sig för att ta ner irländaren på mattan.

The guy hasn’t been in the fight we need to see him in. Nobody’s implemented an attack and when someone does, it’s over. This whole show’s over. The whole goddamn spectacle’s over. I don’t know why no one’s doing it. It’s very frustrating.

UFC 196 äger rum i Las Vegas den 5 mars.

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