
Floyd Mayweather: ’I’m the face of mixed martial arts’

Den forne boxningsvärldsmästaren Floyd Mayweather gick i pension obesegrad med 49-0 i slutet av 2015 och har lyckats med att hålla sig relevant fram tills idag. Mayweather anses av många vara den bästa genom tiderna, men han ser sig även som ansiktet utåt för MMA.

Det här berättade Mayweather via ’ESPN’:

I’m not just the face of boxing, I’m the face of mixed martial arts also. And I’m not an MMA fighter but I do support all contact sports.

I haven’t seen an MMA fight in a while but anytime I see an MMA fighter that wants to take a picture with me, I’m gonna take a picture with them because they go through a lot. Fighters go through a lot to get to a certain level and MMA fighters go through a lot just like boxers go through a lot.

Mycket har nämts om Mayweather i samband med en match mot den irländske stjärnan Conor McGregor, men han tror dessvärre att mötet aldrig kommer att bli av.

I want to tell everybody this, right now. Conor McGregor, do he want to fight? Absolutely not. I’m trying to see if he really want to fight but we can’t make the fight happen because he’s not his own boss. And I want the world to know this: just a fight, two fights ago, he was [knocks table twice] tapping out. He was just [knocks table twice] quitting.

A lot of fighters – legendary fighters, fighters of today, MMA fighters – everybody says, ‘Floyd Mayweather do us wrong.’ Call me what you want to call me but I’m not a quitter. I don’t quit.

I’m an old man now, so I’m smart. And we believe in working smarter, not harder. And the best business move for me is Conor McGregor. That’s what the world wants to see.

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