
Lyoto Machida hade troligvis undvikit avstängning – om han inte sa någonting

Lyoto Machida är i dagsläget avstängd i 18 månader från att tävla i MMA, då han själv erkände att han använt sig utav ett kosttillskott som innehöll 7‐keto-dehydroepiandrosterone (7‐keto‐DHEA). Nu visar det sig dock att Machida troligtvis hade undvikit avstängning om han inte hade sagt något, och så här skrevs det via ”BloodyElbow”:

The first A sample result said the following:Analytical Finding: No prohibited substances Comments: The initial screening procedure ratio of 7β-OH-DHEA to DHEA as approximately 80 to 1, which is atypical.

There was then a “confirmation screening” of the A sample – which is the same sample as the first test, not the separate B sample – which had the following:Analytical Finding: The ratio of 7β-OH-DHEA to DHEA is 35, which is atypical.

This time, there was no comment. It is worth noting that despite the test being on the same sample, the ratio of 7β-OH-DHEA to DHEA has decreased from 80 to 1, to 35 to 1. While the two results are rather different, it doesn’t appear that the difference is evidence of any testing errors.

It’s also important to note that while a high ratio can be made to sound like an inherently bad thing, a high 7β-OH-DHEA to DHEA ratio does not indicate any performance enhancement. It’s basically like finding someone who eats a lot of oranges has more vitamin C in their urine than the average person.

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