
Lyoto Machida: USADA förstör UFC

Den forne lätt-tungviktsmästaren Lyoto Machida fick tidigare sitt straff från USADA i form av avstängning under 18 månader, till följd av att han använde sig av en otillåten substans inför sitt möte med Dan Henderson unser UFC on FOX 19 i april.

Machida känner att straffet är på tok för strängt och anser att USADA förstör UFC.

Det här berättade Machida via ’The MMA Hour’:

First of all, I want to say that I am very disappointed in USADA. I think this is all extremely unfair. I take the blame for 7-Keto. It wasn’t a banned substance since I bought it over the counter in a supplement store when it stated on it’s label 60 vegetarian capsules. For me, USADA didn’t give us proper instructions and I think they failed in educating us about everything. To be honest, they only sent me a list of banned supplements after my suspension, two days later. But before, when it was supposed to be, it didn’t happen. When UFC brought USADA in, I thought it was to instruct and educate all the fighters. Instead they came in to punish in an unreasonable fashion. So they came to the academy and I explained everything and disclosed everything during the test. I didn’t know it was banned substance. Unfortunately, they didn’t see my honesty.

Machida ämvände sig utav 7-Keto DHEA, vilket klassa som en anabol steroid. Brasilianaren hävdar dock att han tog det för att lindra stress efter att ha gått med två raka förluster.

I came from two losses in a row. I was very hard training at that moment and so stressed. I used that for stress relief. I didn’t know that. My intention was in a good way. How could I take this supplement to the fight if I know it was banned? How? Somebody on a good conscious didn’t do that at all. I took the supplement. I have two witness when I took it in my room and I knew that I would get blood test anytime. I took them because I didn’t know. So, I take the blame, made mistake, Okay, I get it. But I think it was extremely unfair to punish me like that.

Machida redovisade för USADA och anser att man borde ge honom mildare straff. Han är medveten om att han nu ses som en fuskare, men hävdar att han aldrig medvetet skulle använda sig utav steroider. I nuläget kommer han att få gå match igen först efter oktober 2017.

Det här berättar experten Iain Kidd om substansen, via ’BloodyElbow’

When a person takes a pill containing DHEA, it is processed by the liver and broken down into several substances, including precursors to testosterone. One of the metabolites it is broken down into is 7-keto-DHEA. It must be noted that 7-keto-DHEA does not increase testosterone or break down into anything that increases testosterone.

The confusion arises because DHEA (but not 7-keto-DHEA) does break down into substances that are known to affect levels of testosterone, estrogen, and other related hormones. I’m going to explain what both DHEA and 7-keto-DHEA do so you’re able to easily determine whether someone is talking about DHEA or 7-keto-DHEA based on the benefits they mention.

What does the research say about DHEA?

It should be noted that even DHEA itself is—at best—a mild performance enhancer which has nowhere near the same potency as anabolic steroids, even under best case scenarios. WADA itself appears to believe that there is no evidence that DHEA enhances performance in male athletes.

Studies tend to show that it has little to no effect on total testosterone levels in men, though it does appear to increase free testosterone levels in older men. Free testosterone is the testosterone available to be used by muscles, so increasing the amount of free testosterone could have muscle building benefits in that manner. It does not appear to increase free testosterone levels in young, healthy subjects.

DHEA has been shown to mildly increase muscle mass and strength in elderly people, likely via the increase in free testosterone, and via DHEA metabolites which are known or suspected to have roles in increasing muscle mass and athletic performance, such as androstenedione and IGF-1.

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