
Mark Hunt kommer troligtvis inte fightas i UFC igen

Mark Hunt har under den senaste tiden varit på krigsstigen mot UFC, då han är missnöjd över hur organisationen har hanterat dopningsskandalen gällande Marks senaste motståndare Brock Lesnar. Det har nu gått så pass långt att Hunt funderar på att aldrig fightas i UFC igen, och detta hade han att säga via ”NZ Herald”:

It’s an unsafe working environment. They’re doing nothing about cheating or performance-enhancing drugs. They’re helping it, they’re condoning drugs, is what I think. I think there should be some criminal charges. Every other sport has it sorted out. Every other sport frowns on cheats and drugs.

It’s a pattern here, and probably the next time – if I did fight – I could die. I have nothing against fighting, obviously, I love what I do. If it’s an even playing field then it makes it fair… the guy was caught doping and he gets my heavyweight ranking position of No8 and he gets all the money, it’s ridiculous.

I don’t care about money, it’s about what’s right. I could die. If something happened to me while I was at work because of a guy illegally enhancing his performances, then what do I need money for? To pay my hospital bills?

I don’t know man… I’m not going to work for a company that treats me like a bit of rubbish. I’m a human being, I need to be treated fairly like everyone else. I would be walking away from a lot. If they don’t sort something out… but you probably won’t see me working for the UFC again.

Mark är i dagsläget rankad på nionde plats över UFCs tungviktare, en placering bakom Lesnar, och om vi kommer få se honom inne i oktogonen igen återstår helt enkelt att se.

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