
Mark Hunt stämmer UFC och Brock Lesnar

Mark Hunt invägning

Tungviktaren Mark Hunt berättade tidigare om sina planer på att stämma UFC och Brock Lesnar, då den sistnämnde testade positivt för den östrogenblockerande substansen klomifen efter deras möte under UFC 200 i juli.

Hunt har nu anställt advokaten Christina Denning från byrån Higgs, Fletcher, & Mack, men man måste nu vänta tills USADA har fattat beslut om Lesnar.

Det här berättade Denning om situationen via ’BJPenn.com’:

We have to wait out right now to file a lawsuit. Against either right now would be premature because Brock hasn’t exhausted the process for getting his due process and hearing through the Nevada Athletic Commission and I understand that he has got another continuance. So that hearing is set to go on December 14th so we’ve gotta get confirmation of the violation before we would act on any claims.

As far as any specifics of any potential lawsuit, we’re certainly evaluating and we’re still fact gathering through Public Records Act requests and various agencies. We’re evaluating what all of our potential claims would be aside from Mark’s intent to pursue a change for all fighters. He obviously wants to get some sort of compensation from the UFC or Brock Lesnar for UFC 200.

Hunt förlorade under mötet mot Lesnar via ett enhälligt domslut och vill nu att dopade fighters ska få hårdare straff, bland annat att de får lämna över sin purse om de ertappas med otillåtna substanser i kroppen efter matcherna.

Det här berättade Hunt:

I’ve fought my ass off to stay at the top, to reach the top of the sport that I like, which is fighting only to be cheated over and over again. It just sets me back. It sets my brand back. Especially with the sport of fighting, especially with doping. In other sports it’s different. In here, you’re hurting people.

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