
Michael Bisping: ”It’s funny how his genetics seem to have kicked in at 42”

Michael Bisping kommer under helgen att kliva in i oktagonen, då han tar sig an Cung Le under ”UFC: Fight Night Macau” den 23 augusti. Inför mötet dök det upp en omdiskuterad bild på Cung som fick många att tro att Le dopat sig, men Bisping hoppas på annat.

Detta hade Michael att säga om det hela, via ”MMAJunkie”:

I have seen this picture that is making the rounds on the Internet, and my son actually emailed it to me and said, ‘Dad, are you sure Cung Le isn’t on (testosterone-replacement therapy)?’ And I laughed. It’s funny how his genetics seem to have kicked in at 42. I’m sure he trained hard his entire life, but he never had a physique like he has now in his 20s or his 30s. But he’s got there in his 40s.

Now, who knows? Maybe he’s just really applied himself. I hope that’s the case. I hope he doesn’t piss hot on Saturday night. That would throw the whole fight into disrepute. I’m sure he has. A lot of people aren’t sure whether or not he did (use performance-enhancing drugs). I’m sure he didn’t. I’m sure he did it the old-fashioned way, and I certainly hope so.

Bisping stod senast inne i oktagonen då han tog sig an och besegrades av Tim Kennedy via ett enhälligt domslut, då de möttes under ”UFC: TUF Nations Finale”.

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