
Nate Diaz: ”Jag trodde jag var rik”

Nate Diaz

Nate Diaz har fightats i UFC sedan 2007, då han besegrade Manny Gamburyan i finalen vid ”UFC: TUF 5 Finale”. Kontraktet Nate skrev på efter att ha vunnit den säsongen fick honom att tro att han var en rik man, men nu vet Diaz bättre.

Vid en intervju via ”FOX Sports” berättar Nate en historia om hur livet såg ut då:

If you watch ‘The Ultimate Fighter,’ when I won, I look at UFC President Dana White and go, ‘I’m rich’. And I really, actually believed that.

I went home, and I had a plan to buy my mom a house and buy a Cadillac. I went home, and I went straight to the dealership, and when I got to the dealership, I was like, ‘Yo, I want a Cadillac, woo-woo-woo.’ I’m talking to this guy who works at the dealership who’s my friend. I said, ‘I want to buy a Cadillac; we’re looking at houses right now.’ He’s like, ‘I’m proud of you. Cool.’ And then he’s like, ‘This is a Chevy dealership.’

He takes me to this old lady’s Cadillac, and I’m like, ‘I don’t want that Cadillac.’ And he’s like, ‘Well, how much money are you looking to spend?’ I was like, ‘Well, I’ve got $16,000, and I want to spend like, probably $10,000.’ And he was like, ‘Alright, come over here.’ And we looked at this little Honda Civic.

I was like, dude, I want a Cadillac. I don’t want no Honda Civic. That’s not even cool to me. And then he was like, ‘Nah, we’ll tint the windows, and I’ll get you a DVD player.’ Remember when DVD players came out in cars and they were the (expletive)? I was visualizing it. He was like, ‘We’ll put rims on it, and we’ll get you a thump in the (sound) system).’ I was like, ‘Yeah, that sounds tight. All right, let’s do that.’

So I came back a couple days later, and we had this dorky looking Honda just turned out with tinted windows and 12 inch speakers – it thumped hard – and rims on it, and I left with the card … and I was like, ‘Yeah. This is tight. How much is the house?’ I looked at the house, and I had like, $4,000 left. I was like, ‘Wait a minute, this isn’t working out like I planned.’

Härnäst kommer Diaz ta sig an Conor McGregor för andra gången i karriären, då de möts under UFC 202 den 20 augusti.

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