
Ronda Rouseys coach: ”Nästa steg för Ronda är familjelivet”

Ronda Rousey 1

Ronda Rouseys judo-tränare, Justin Flores, har svårt att tro att hon kommer tillbaka till MMA-scenen inom en snar framtid. Flores tror att andra aktiviteter ligger Rousey närmare än ett kliv in i oktagonen igen. Genom MMAmania.com sade han följande.

Personally I don’t think it’s in the cards. I don’t think that’s what she wants in this time of her life. I mean, I’m not discounting anything. Maybe later. But I just don’t see that being something she wants to jump into and focus full force to be the best. Because if she’s gonna do anything, from what I know about her, she’s gonna do it to be the best. And not that I don’t think that she can be the best, it’s just, I just don’t know if her body and her mind at this stage in her life, if that’s what’s right for her. She’s competed her whole life. Her whole life has been about being the best, and I just think personally, the best thing is for her to kind of be okay with herself not as a fighter. So I love her to death, dude. I just know the pain she’s gone through physically, doing this forever, multiple surgeries, concussions, broken bones, weight cutting. All those things add up and take its toll, and it’s accumulative. So being 30 years old now and doing this since you were eight years old non-stop, I mean, the mileage you’ve put on your body and that she’s put on her body, I just don’t think if she wants to, you know, live a long happy life and raise kids with Travis, which I know that’s the future, I just don’t think that’s something I feel like would be in her best interests.

Den tidigare bantamviktsmästarinnan, Ronda Rousey, gick sin senaste match mot Amanda Nunes under UFC 207. En match Rousey förlorade genom teknisk knockout i första ronden. Utöver förlusten har Rousey endast förlorat en gång tidigare vilket var mot Holly Holm under UFC 193, en match där hon även förlorade bantamviktsbältet. Även den matchen en förlust via knockout. Rousey lyckades försvara bantamviktsbältet sex gånger och har vunnit majoriteten av sina matcher via submission (nio stycken armlås).

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