
Rousimar Palhares anklagar Emil Weber Meek för fulspel

Rousimar Palhares fick under helgen en fyra matcher lång vinstsvit bruten, då han slogs ut av norrmannen Emil Weber Meek efter bara 45 sekunder in i första ronden under ”Venator FC 3”. Nu skyller Palhares förlusten på otillåtna armbågar och slag i bakhuvudet, och detta hade han att säga via ”MMA Fighting”:

What went wrong in the fight is that I was hit with illegal elbows in the back of the head and couldn’t see anything next. I didn’t say anything after the fight because I was off, but my coaches saw and complained, but nobody did anything. They just sent me to the hospital for observation, to make sure everything was alright with my brain.

I’m not 100 percent yet. Let me get the MRI done first. I don’t want to cause harm to anyone, I just want to be healthy. I was afraid, but I know I can walk now. It would be devastating to become paralyzed because of an infraction like that. I feel dizzy sometimes, but I’m happy I’m walking. I’m afraid of this MRI results.

About getting the fight overturned, honestly, I’m not worried right now. I just want to be as healthy as I was when I got there. We’ll think about it later. I will only know my next step after I get the MRI done because sometimes I feel I’m going to black out. I feel dizzy when I look down. I’m not used to getting hit in the back of the head.

I don’t blame the guy that fought me, but the referee shouldn’t let it continue. I’m strong, you know, and I still went out. Imagine if it’s someone else, someone not well prepared as I am? People could die.

Rousimar har själv varit i blåsväder flertalet gånger för att ha hållit i submissions trots att motståndaren klappat och domaren varit framme, och här kan ni se hur Emils knockout på Palhares såg ut.

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