
Steroider kan ha hjälpt Anderson Silvas rehabilitering

Anderson Silva blev tidigare ertappad med att vara dopad med steroider som methyltestosteron och drostanolone. Svaren kom från blodprover som hade tagits strax innan matchen mot Nick Diaz under UFC 183, där Silva sedan segrade genom ett enhälligt domslut.

Silva har sedan dess blivit tillfälligt avstängd av NAC och kommer att stå inför förhör i mars eller april.

En doktor hävdar att anledningen till de positiva resultaten kan bero på Silvas benskada, då han kan ha tagit det för att hjälpa läkningen genom att främja muskeltillväxt runt det skadade området.

Det här berättde Dr. Ali Mohamadi, via ”SB Nation”:

These drugs wouldn’t speed bone healing itself, but it’s possible the increased muscle mass could make rehab easier than it otherwise would be.

They could be potentially extraordinarily helpful in terms of rapid muscle building, both in terms of just physically causing the muscles and proteins to build,” the doctor said. ”It also has a second factor in terms of workouts. It allows you to have an easy recovery period after your workout. That increases the efficiency of your workout.

Another possibility is that these showed up in the blood, because Silva was taking a different substance entirely that may have included DHT or DHEA and when they break down in the blood, they turn into androstane and cause a positive test. That would probably be my theory.

It essentially works in two different ways to improve muscle mass and muscle definition. The first is it basically causes an increase in a production of proteins. That’s the actual physical factor that causes muscles to build up significantly. The second is that they can reduce recovery time from workouts. That’s by decreasing the effects of other stress hormones. So in two ways, both in terms of increasing the muscle mass and reducing recovery time from workouts, you can get an enormous effect in simply a matter of weeks.

Drostanolone och androstane är båda två ämnen som är lättupptäckta på dopningstester. Mohamadi är osäker på varför Silva skulle ta risken med dessa två preparat men menar dock att det hela kan bero på vilka tillgångar som finns.

Easier access would be probably the reason that would make people choose one of those versus something like HGH, which is effective but becoming increasingly difficult to obtain due to the fact that there are tight regulations on the distribution of HGH. It’s just really hard to get your hands on HGH, and it’s becoming harder as the regulations tighten.

You can go online and find any one of a number of the older generation anabolic steroids that are being sold through distributors. These are not that hard to get your hands on. A lot of the newer drugs, a lot of the designer drugs really require a lot of effort.

It can result in severe aggression. It can result in the decrease in libido. It can result in issues related to liver failure. It’s not the most benign treatment in the world. It can cause very significant side effects. But for muscle building, there’s no question that it has very potent and very rapidly acting effects.

You can have an extremely profound effect in terms of muscle mass and strength without having to require too much time or effort into having that effect take place

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