
Uriah Hall och Jason Mayhem Miller i slagsmål

Enligt flera vittnesuppgifter ska den forne UFC-fightern Jason Mayhem Miller och Uriah Hall hamnat i ett slagsmål i samband med fredagens Bellator-gala. Det hela ska ha börjat med att Miller och Hall haft ett munhugg när de var uppe i buren för att ta bli fotade innan galans huvudmatch. Tjafset ska ha eskalerat väldigt snabbt och vakter ska ha ingripit för att separera båda fighters från att hamna i handgemäng.

Miller ska enligt uppgifter fortsatt provocera Hall och kallat honom för ”You´re a bitch ass nigga”, Hall ska då efter den sjätte gången Miller sagt detta ha slagit till Milller.

Jonathan King från ”Clinch Report” ska ha varit närvarande och bevittnat hela incidenten, så här skriver han om händelseförloppet:

While awaitng the main event, several fighters and celebs were called into the cage for a photo op with Brett. I was by the back with the Commision. Mayhem and Uriah were surrounded by a scrum, and it looked like good hearted shit talking, but it turned nasty quick!

More security rushed in to separate but by now there was a bunch of people around with Iphones out, so basically a few journalists and a few security guards tried to separate them.

When more help arrived, Mayhem started leaning in, kind of like flinching with his head, and kept repeating ”Your a Bitch Ass Nigga!” at least 6 times, each time with added taunting. When he leaned in for a 7th, Hall hit him with a right hand! Didnt catch him flush, but left a noticeable welt.

I then with Jose from Bamma walked Uriah to the elevator, where he was still looking for Mayhem. He was heated and rightfully so! Security and Jackie Denkin were able to calm Uriah down before he left. When we left Mayhem was at the bar, drunk, spilling his beer. Surrounded by marks. It was a very sad day, Disgusting behavior by Mayhem, I hope Uriah doesnt get in trouble. Please if you do write about this, remember Uriah was trying to be calm, and there was no where to go, he had a wall of people behind him.

He was wrong for punching him, but Mayhem was acting aggressive.

I was on Uriah Hall’s left shoulder the entire time. There is no mistaking the words, im sure it will be on youtube! But not by me. Disgusting!

Senare samma dag la Miller upp detta på sitt Twitter-konto:

UFC har ännu inte kommenterat händelserna och ifall de kommer att bestraffa Hall på något sätt på grund av hans agerande.

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