
Weidman säker på att han kan knocka Vitor Belfort

Chris Weidman kommer härnäst att möta Vitor Belfort i mellanvikt under UFC 181. Weidman berättar dock att han inte är det minsta orolig och han känner sig säker på att han kommer att kunna knocka eller submitta honom.

Det här berättade han, via ”Sherdog”:

I think that I’m a versatile individual, and I pretty much feel like I can do anything that I want to do in there. I can stand and bang and knock him out, or I feel as if I can take him down and submit him. Nothing’s going to come easily, and I always expect some resistance, but if someone had yelled out and told me that this is what I had to do, I am getting the job done, whether they told me to submit him or knock him out. I’m going to get it done.

I’m not saying that I’m going to end his career. I don’t like to sort of dictate people’s lives. All that I know is that I’ve got to go out there, and I’ve got to beat him. Whatever happens with him after that is up to him; but again, people have asked me that, like they did with my first fight with Anderson: ‘Do I want to retire him?’ Same thing with Machida. But my goal is not to do that at all. I don’t want to hurt people’s livelihoods. If they love what they’re doing, I want them to keep doing that.

UFC 181 går på den 6 december, i Mandalay Bay Events Center i Las Vegas.

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