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”Anderson Silva kommer kunna vara träningsklar om 6-9 månader”

Lördagens UFC 168 avslutades i katastrof för den forne mellanviktsmästaren Anderson Silva, som fick ligga 48 timmar på sjukhussängen efter att brutit skenbenet i matchen mot Chris Weidman.

Under tisdagen berättade chefskirurgen som har haft hand om Silvas skada, Steven Sanders, för ”Daily News” att den 38-årige brassen kan ha haft tur i oturen. Sanders berättar att då Silva inte skadade sin hud där skenbenet gick av, är skadan inte lika allvarligt som den kunde ha varit om huden hade gått sönder.

Fortunately for Anderson, the skin did not break. But where could an injury like that go? An injury like that could go where, as I mentioned, the skin breaks, and now you’ve got this exposed bone in the environment of an Octagon, and so his risk of infection goes up meteorically. He could have also twisted in such a different direction where he could’ve potentially lacerated an artery going to the foot, in which case you now have what we call vascular compromise. He could’ve, in that case, potentially needed a vascular reconstructive procedure to reattach an artery. Injuries like this can, at times, even be limb threatening. If the fracture is severe enough, if it compromises vascular supply to the feet and vascular supply cannot be reestablished, it can result in an amputation.

In this particular case, you had a bad fracture occur. Fortunately it occurred outside the joints. So having occurred outside the joint, when the fracture heals, the bone will reassume its original strength. In addition to it achieving its original strength, he will also have a titanium rod that is 11.5 millimeters in diameter shoring up that area as well.

På frågan när Silva kunde återvända till träning och kanske tävla en dag, svarade Sanders att beroende på hur benet läker kan Silva vara tillbaks i gymmet om 6-9 månader. Det ska inte heller vara finnas några komplikationer med det läkta benet i framtiden, samt att risken för ett nytt benbrott är väldigt liten.

We’re not even 48 hours from the surgery, and tibia fractures, though we can get them to heal, can have a slower healing. My prognosis for healing is three to six months. But there are also soft tissue components that have to heal. If I had to make a guess less than 48 hours from the operation, it would be the fracture healing in three to six months, and attempting to train, six to nine months. You don’t rehab a broken bone, it heals itself.

When the fracture heals, the bone will re-assume and achieve its original strength. No higher risk, in general, of the bone breaking again. Titanium rod adds strength to the limb.

Sanders berättar vidare att Silva själv hade frågat honom vid flertal tillfällen om när han kunde återvända till träning och verkade inte låta som en person som vill lägga handskarna på hyllan.

He has spontaneously mentioned me in the pre-op area, his question was, ‘When can I train?’ And he has asked me every time, when I see him on my rounds, he asks: ‘Will I be able to train? When can I train?’ And I have always indicated to him that he should be able train.

Ni kan ta del av hela intervjun i videoklippet nedan.

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