
Andre Fili om vinsten över Artem Lobov: ”Conor did me a big favor”

Fjäderviktaren Andre Fili segrade imponerande över Artem Lobov genom ett beslut på UFC Fight Night 118 – Cerrone vs. Till, som gick av stapeln i lördags. Den omåttligt populäre irländaren Conor McGregor var på plats för att stötta Lobov i mötet mot Fili.

Fili har uttryckt via MMA Fighting att han blev mer motiverad i mötet med Lobov av McGregors närvaro:

There’s nothing like kicking someone’s ass with their best friend watching on in their corner. Conor did me a big favor. I was already ready to go but he made me turn it up another level.

That fired me right up. He tried to stare me down and I locked eyes with him and did not back down. He started quoting Notorious B.I.G. lyrics and I just laughed. I was just like ‘not tonight, mother—ker.’ That’s why I did his ‘billionaire strut’ and everything.

Efter matchen utbytte Fili och McGregor några ord och sedan har McGregor kallat Fili “Faggot” när han pratade med Lobov, Fili sa följande om händelserna efter vinsten över Lobov:

I told him it was all about the fight, what happened in the fight stayed there, and that I respected him. I thought we were cool. I meant it, too. I know having Conor in the middle of my fight means I get way more attention, I have more Twitter and Instagram followers now and I’ll make more money. I know what he’s done to lift the sport.

There’s no need to use words like that. You don’t need to demean other people to make yourself seem bigger. Whenever you hear someone use that word or call someone a ‘bitch,’ that makes you look so insecure.

Don’t be fake with me,” Fili added. I’m as real a person as you’re going to meet. You’re always going to know where you stand with me. For him to say what he said and then turn right around and act like we’re cool, that’s so fake.

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