Denna helg klev Floyd Mayweather in i ringen igen efter att ha lagt handskarna på hyllan. Detta för att fightas mot UFC-mästaren i lättvikt Conor McGregor som han besegrade genom teknisk knockout i tionde ronden.
Backstage var det dock nära att en annan fight skedde, öven detta mote en UFC-lättviktare och en pensionerad fighter.
Den forne UFC-tungviktaren och numera expertkommentatorn Brendan Schaub hamnade i en het konfrontation med Nate Diaz under helgens gala.
Ni kan se hur detta gick till i följande Twitter-inlägg:
Nate Diaz & Brendan Schaub get into it backstage at #MayMac fight!
— Oj Regis (@OJEntertainment) 27 augusti 2017
De båda bråkade om vad McGregors prestation höll för nivå. Diaz hävdade att UFC-mästaren endast vann ronder som Mayweather inte gjorde ett försök att tillskansa sig. Schaub, som var en stor McGregor supporter, argumenterade då för det motsatta; att irländaren visst förtjänade dessa ronder.
Diaz hävdade sedan att Schaubs ord inte spelar någon roll då denne saknar kompetens att bedöma matchsituationerna. När Schaub då fortsatte att argumentera med UFC-fightern så gav Diaz honom fingret och yttrade ”fuck you”. Schaub försökte då att skruva ner dynamiken med att han inte har känner något agg mot Diaz. UFC-lättviktaren kallar då expertkommentatorn för ”little bittch” och där tar klippet slut.
Dispyten blev en stor nyhet i MMA-världen och Brendan Schaub medverkade i måndags i Joe Rogan Experience där han berättade sin version av vad som hände i helgen:
Let me just clear it up now. So many people have been blowing me up. So I’m with Terence Crawford, Amir Khan, [Andre] Berto, and I’m in the back and they’re saying how good Conor did and I’m like, good, great, I thought he was gonna do even better.
Showtime wanted me to go do this post-fight show thing so I’m going and I see Nate Diaz and he’s by himself on his phone. I see him and I think, same fraternity, UFC guys. . . I just figured, we’re brothers in arms here.
So I see him and I’m like, ‘Yo Nate, bro, how about that fight, man? You’re next. Biggest fight in UFC history brother.’
And he starts laughing. He’s like, ‘Aw hell no. How f***ing stupid do you look now? How stupid do you look, talking all this s***?’
And I’m like, ‘Woah, what are you doing right now? What the hell are you doing right now?’ And he keeps talking so I go, ‘Nate, he doesn’t look that stupid. He won rounds against the best boxer of all time.’
Then Nate’s like, ‘He didn’t win rounds. He gave him one round.’
Alright, man. Either way. He won rounds though. What are you doing?’ And he keeps talking s***. Then he starts talking about my career and I’m like, what is going on right now? I went, ‘Nate, I have no issues with you.
You’re pointing your gun at the wrong guy. What are you doing right now? You should be selling this fight against Conor, not me. I’m not the guy. I’m in skinny jeans and Gucci boots for God’s sakes. What are you doing right now?
Schaub gav sedan en möjlig förklaring till varför Diaz plötsligt blev så aggressiv :
This is the part I left out, this is what triggered him. I was talking and I literally couldn’t hear him and I was like, ‘Nate, use your words. I can’t understand a word you’re saying. Use. Your. Words.’ And he has that lisp or whatever so that probably set him off. But I have no issues with Nate.
I was so embarrassed because the Showtime guys were like, ‘Oh my God, who is that guy?’ And I’m like, ‘That’s the guy who’s supposed to fight Conor next.’
Schaub avslutade med att han hellre ser att Nate Diaz fightas med Conor McGregor. Expertkommentatorn skulle gärna se en trilogi-fight mellan dessa:
I think it’s the only fight. Those fights at 170 are toss-ups. Neither one should be fighting at 170. At 155, a trilogy fight makes sense for the belt. It would be the biggest pay-per-view of all time. I think it’s the only fight that makes sense.