
Cat Zingano: ’Amanda Nunes was acting like an asshole towards Ronda Rousey’

Cat Zingano överklagar resultat

Amanda Nunes segrade för lite mer än en vecka sedan mot Ronda Rousey via knockout i första ronden under UFC 207. Efter matchen förklarade Nunes till publiken att Rouseys tid är över som mästare och att hon nu kan leva gott på sina pengar hon tjänat när hon går i pension och spelar in sina filmer i Hollywood.

Now she’s gonna retire, and she’s gonna do movies. She already has a lot of money, come on!

Talet under segerintervjun fick Rouseys och Nunes före detta rival Cat Zingano att reagera, som blev upprörd över hur respektlöst brasilianskan uttryckte sig om den forne mästarinnan och pionjären inom kvinnornas bantamviktsdivision.

Via ’MMAFighting’:

Amanda was great, she went out there and beat her decisively, quickly. Immediately when the fight was stopped I was like, damn, good show. Props. And then, within two minutes, my entire impression and everything changed. Because as soon as they handed Amanda the microphone she just started going off, and being completely disrespectful and being an asshole, being like, ‘forget Ronda, forget Ronda.’

It’s like, first of all, if there was no Ronda there would be no Amanda. No one would know who the hell you are, and we wouldn’t be here today. And on top of that, Ronda as an athlete, she found a way. She found a way to get us in, and it was by being an asshole.

And it was by being entertaining, whether it was positive or negative, she gave everybody what they wanted to see, which was either to hate to love her, or love to hate her. She gave that to people.

Zingano var den senaste att segra mot Nunes via TKO under 2014, men hon menar att hon inte försöker få till en returmatch med sina svar riktade till den nya mästarinnan.

I’m not trying to hype a fight. I’m not trying to get my title shot right away, I want to earn it. I have gotten what I needed to out of my losses, which was that I hate to f—ing lose. I didn’t lose to get a title shot. I didn’t lose to boast of how good I am. I lost so I could learn what I needed to learn, and make the changes necessary to get to where I am today.

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