Den forne UFC-fightern Chael Sonnen gav i onsdags, i podcasten You’re Welcome, sina ord om det ovanliga fallet att en boxare med ett facit på 0-0 , Conor McGregor kommer att blir licenserad att fightas mot en boxare som Floyd Mayweather som har ett facit på 49-0. Hela klippet finns att se här:
Sonnen yrkar på att kommissionen i Nevada, som kommer att licensera matchen, utåt sett måste framföra att deras viktigaste prioritering gällande arrangemanget är boxarnas hälsa. Han menar att kommisionen i samband med att de godkänner matchen bestämt kommer att hävda att de kan garantera McGregors säkerhet.
You had said that the primary concern is safety. Now, these commissions operate on taxpayer dollars and to keep their own doors open in their jobs they have hung their hat on; the safety of the athlete our primary concern. Now, we know that isn’t true because we’re intelligent people, but for the most of the public, they put as that’s our job for safety.
Sonnen hävdar dock ett detta inte alls är deras främsta intresse. Det är för honom uppenbart att arrangemanget Mayweather vs McGregor endast kretsar runt de kommersiella intäkterna. Detta då kommissionernas säkerhetsstadgar aldrig i normala fall skulle godkänna en sådan match med tanke på respektive boxares facit.
Their number one job is commerce to their state. That is their number one role. That is why they are appointed and that is what they need to do. But that doesn’t play as well in the media as safety of the athlete. No commission has ever has sanctioned a man who is 49 -0 vs a man who is 0-0.
It has never happened and the commissions don’t largely know the fighters (in general cases) and know who’s who. But they’ll look at those records and go: Well this guy’s 9-3 and this guy’s 0-0. We’re not putting them together even if the guy that’s 0-1 has all the potential in the world and he lost that first fight and the other guy has been out of the ring for three years.
It has never happened before that a man is 49-0 in professional combat has been licensed to fight a guy that’s 0-0, so we have to do away with the fake guys of you care about safety. You care about commerce first and then we’ll look at them. We’ll do it as safe as we can as long as we have the numbers (dollar numbers) in place.
Det ska bli intressant att se, om Mayweather skriver på avtalet, hur Nevadas kommissioner officiellt kommer att motivera ett sådant beslut. Arrangemanget kommer sannerligen vara något utöver det vanliga.