
Cody McKenzie anklagar NSAC-anställd för sexuella trakasserier

UFC veteranen Cody McKenzie stängdes nyligen av i 4 år av Nevadas Idrottskommitte (NSAC) på grund av att han ska ha vägrat gå med på ett oannonserat dopingprov precis innan match. Nu påstår dock McKenzie att situationen inte gått rätt till.

I en intervju med MMAFighting berättar McKenzie att dopingkontrollanterna kom in backstage medan han värmde upp och begärde att han skulle lämna ett urinprov. Detta gick inte McKenzie med på och efter en stunds argumentation ska en av kontrollanterna ha tagit fram sin penis och skakat den framför McKenzie.

They said if I didn’t piss in a cup right before my fight — literally I was warming up — my fight was about to happen in five minutes and they’re yelling at me, telling me I need to take the piss test and I’m like, ‘No, I can’t take a piss right now. I’m warming up for my fight. I’ve never fuckin’ taken a piss in my life before a fight. I’ve fought for 15 years. Leave me alone. We start fighting back and forth, they started saying we’re not going to let you fight unless you fuckin’ piss in the cup. So I fuckin’ just went in the bathroom and poured something in the cup and it was funny because I was telling them I wasn’t going to let them watch me pee. And one of the commission inspectors whipped out his fuckin’ dick, ‘cause he’s like, ‘Oh, it’s not that fuckin’ hard.’ And he takes his dick out and shakes his dick at me. I was like, ‘Dude, that’s fuckin’ sexual harassment.’ You can’t do that. That’s bullshit, you know? There was five or six witnesses standing right there. Nothing ever came out about it. I talked to the commission about it countless times, they just keep saying there’s an investigation going on, which I haven’t heard a thing about it, they won’t talk to me about any of it. I’m like, ‘You guys are ridiculous. You guys are fuckin’ crazy.’ That’s nuts to me. You don’t pull your dick out and shake it at somebody, especially in this day and age.

Enligt McKenzie finns det även flera vittnen till händelserna, men samtliga vittnena ska vara associerade med NSAC vilket gör att han misstänker att händelserna inte kommer att få några konsekvenser från NSACs sida.

Backstage, there was probably six of us standing around and this older guy got all pissed at me because I said I wasn’t going to piss right in front of people because I never have had to before and he got all mad at me and he whipped out his dick and shook it at me. And not for a short amount of time. He was yelling at me while he’s shaking his dick at me. They haven’t fired the guy that I’ve heard of, I haven’t heard of any repercussions coming their way. It’s just a bunch of bullshit. The Nevada State Athletic Commission’s just a joke.

NSACs VD, Bob Bennet, har i media nekat till att McKenzies anklagelser stämmer.

McKenzie’s allegations are not accurate. We’re currently looking into the matter accordingly. At the current time, that inspector is no longer working events for us.

McKenzie gick sin senaste match under Venator 1 som ägde rum i oktober 2017 och han förlorade då mot Stefano Paterno via teknisk knockout i första ronden.

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