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Conor McGregor har ett pris satt på sitt huvud – gangstern utlovar 8 miljoner kronor

Cirkusen kring Conor McGregor fortsätter. Det ryktade barbråket kan rota sig djupare än vad många har trott. Den irländska maffian kan vara inblandad och enligt de rykten som florerar är de två männen som McGregor skall ha hamnat i slagsmål med högt uppsatta inom den kriminella världen.

Ett meddelade har läckt mellan två poliskollegor i den irländska poliskåren där det beskrivs att maffian utlovat åtta miljoner kronor för ”McGregors huvud”.

Lads McGregor’s fucked. The fella he [beat] up is one of the top lads in the Kinehan gang. Graham “The Wig” Whelan. They said the wank 900k or they’ll shoot him. One of my mates is a detective over that way. Sent me that Audio and mentioned the money.


Samma samtal uppdagades även på ”Joe Rogan Experience MMAShow #3” mellan UFC-kommentator Joe Rogan och tidigare UFC-fighter Brendan Schaub.

Det är en ordentlig sörja och verkar vara mer invecklat än ett ”vanligt barbråk”. MMAImport.com fick händelsen beskrivet av en individ som valt att vara anonym.

The guy Conor punched at the Black Forge Inn is named Ryan. Ryan has two very important friends around here in two brothers named the Timmins brothers. The Timmins brothers have been messing with Conor’s longtime friend named Andy, Andy is also involved with the Kinahan gang too.

A lot of people don’t know this, and no one is really talking about it, but Conor already had a run-in with the Timmins brothers a couple of weeks ago, and he beat them both up pretty handily, over his loyalty to Andy. Andy was present for this first incident, and well [pauses], I say it was a beating, but it wasn’t like he hospitalized the brothers or anything. Andy was involved in the scuffle too. They won, the Timmins lost, but it wasn’t really bad.

So back to Sunday night, Ryan was at the pub and he was talking shit and defending the Timmins brothers, and that’s why Conor beat him up too, on Sunday night. While scuffling with Ryan, Conor also hit the father of Graham Whelan. Now, Whelan has a reputation. He’s supposedly a hitman for the Kinahan gang and not someone to be taken lightly.

Are you following this, because I’m only going to say it once. This shit’s crazy. So, Conor is beating up Kinahan gang members, in defense of his friend Andy who is also affiliated with Kinahan. That’s really Conor’s saving grace, because these issues are not going to divide the Kinahan gang. They’re too strong of an organization for that. And though Conor is fighting with Kinahan guys, he’s doing it for Andy, a Kinahan guy.

Now, it is possible that Graham will not be able to let Conor’s assault of his dad go without some sort of payment. And though it appears as if Conor struck Graham’s dad by accident, Graham has a reputation for just not giving a fuck, and could try some recourse. But will Graham pull rank and try to go after Conor? I don’t know. From what I know, if anyone is going to make Conor pay for what is going on, it won’t be Graham, it will be Graham’s boss, and it will likely involve money and not much else. Conor is pretty loved around here, so it’s hard to say what’s next. But, that’s the story. That’s all I know.

Något uttalande av den irländska superstjärnan McGregor är ännu inte känt.

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