
Conor McGregor om Floyd Mayweather: ”I don’t believe he will even exit the first round”

Conor McGregor
har tidigare sagt att han kommer avsluta Floyd Mayweather inom fyra ronder med 8oz handskar. Han ändrade sig sedan till två ronder. Nu har han gått ännu längre.

Under onsdagskvällen fick han på ”Conan” frågan om hur han ser matchen utspela sig svarade såhär:

I said four, but that’s me being humble. I don’t believe he will even exit the first round, but I’m trying to be humble on national TV. So I say four — inside four.

Mayweather (49-0) är en av de bästa boxarna någonsin och har sällan blivit utmanad. Tillfällen där han blivit skakad i matcher är få. McGregor å andra sidan har aldrig gått en professionell boxningsmatch.

Mayweather är känd för att vara kanske den bäste defensiva boxaren genom tiderna. McGregor tror dock att han har en strategi för det.

I think the styles of opponents that Floyd has faced have moved in a certain way. The boxing game is almost set in its way, I feel. Their feet are flat. They have no spring in and out. Compare that with a mixed martial artist, they can bounce in and out at a fast tempo. So I believe I will paint pictures in there that he has never seen or the boxing community has never seen before and that will cause him big trouble.

Factor that in with the precision and the punching power — it only takes me one shot. I’ve KO’d men inside three seconds. I won the UFC title in 13 seconds. So, factor in all those things — with the punching power and the precision — it’s over for Floyd and that’s it.

Conan O’Brien frågade även om McGregor kanske kommer råka använda någon spark eller liknande som han gör i MMA men McGregor svarar att han kan reglerna eftersom han tagit hjälp av domaren Joe Cortez.

I will go in and dismantle him at his own game. That’s what a true martial artist can do, they can adapt under any circumstance. Bruce Lee said, ‘be like water,’ and when the water enters a cup, it becomes the cup. That’s the philosophy I’m going into this contest. It doesn’t matter what ruleset or stipulations they try and put on me, I can adapt and overcome any situation. And that’s what I will do on Aug. 26.

I’m feeling very confident I can walk through any shot and break him down.

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