
Dana White är less på kritiken angående Greg Hardy och Rachael Ostovich – ”This isn’t an issue”

UFC har fått ta en hel del kritik angående sin premiärgala på ESPN där de placerat Greg Hardy och Rachael Ostovich på samma matchkort.

Greg Hardy har flera kontroverser som är kopplade till kvinnomisshandel och Racheal Ostovich har nyligen varit uppmärksammad för att hon blivit grovt misshandlad av sin pojkvän. Att boka dessa två på samma kort har kritiserats av många för att vara osmakligt.

UFCs VD Dana White har dock blivit less på kritiken och sa följande till TSN.

“So we’ve been building this ESPN card for a while, and he was one of the guys we had planned on putting on that card,”

“But no it wasn’t booked [at the same time]. Then she came off the card.”

“I’m not gonna talk about Greg Hardy anymore. I already covered this. I’m not playing this bullsh*t with you guys. He’s on the UFC roster. He’s on the UFC roster. Period, end of story. He’s on the roster.”

“Listen! You guys want to be sensitive about sh*t, anybody can be sensitive about anything,”

“You can make an issue about everything. The weird thing is you guys give a f*ck…but she doesn’t. She doesn’t care. You know what she said yesterday in her statement? ‘Please stop asking me about this. I want to focus on training. I don’t want this to be an issue for me. I don’t know this guy. This guy has nothing to do with me. I have nothing to do with this guy. This guy’s never done anything to me,’”

“This isn’t an issue,”

“If you guys want to keep bringing this up and making it an issue, you can. And I get it, it probably gets hits and it probably does well for you guys, I get it. But she doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. So that’s the end of the story. I’m done with it. I’m done with it.”

Rachael Ostovich gör sin tredje match i UFC den 19:e januari mot Paige VanZant. Greg Hardy gör samtidigt sin oktagondebut mot Allen Crowder på Brooklyn-kortet.

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