
Dana White är nöjd med UFCs återkomst under coronapandemin

Dana White

Under de senaste två veckorna höll UFC tre stycken galor i staden Jacksonville i Florida. Detta efter att organisationen tvingats göra ett längre uppehåll till följd av coronapandemin. Nu berättar organisationens VD, Dana White, att han är nöjd med UFCs återkomst.

Nöjd med återkomsten

Under presskonferensen som ägde rum efter den sista av UFCs tre galor i Jacksonville, som ägde rum under natten till söndagen, berättade White bland annat att han är nöjd med organisationens återkomst under coronapandemin. Detta då allting gått bra och ingen blivit sjuk, enligt White.

It feels good. I’m happy to have it behind me. I wanted this week to be over. It was successful in every way it could be successful. I feel great about it. More importantly, nobody is sick. Nobody is sick. Nobody has gotten sick. Hopefully, that’s the case. There’s no guarantees in life, but hopefully that’s the case and we all go home. It was a great event. It was a great week.

Hyllar den lokala personalen

White passade även på att hylla den lokala personalen i Jacksonville, allt från myndighetspersonal till restaurangpersonal.

I think we picked the perfect place to do it, too. This town was perfect for it. Like I said, the governor and the mayor and the athletic commission – everybody was great. This arena was incredible. These guys were great to us. I don’t know what your experience was out in Jacksonville, but everybody was nice. Everybody was great. The food was awesome. I just couldn’t say enough good things about Jacksonville and the experience here. I’m glad we did it here first. I’m ready to go home, though.

Kommer att fortsätta

Enligt White kommer UFC fortsätta att göra allt i sin makt för att fortsätta hålla galor så mycket som det är möjligt.

This is what we’re going to do. Obviously, you guys know me. You’ve dealt with me long enough. When we’re doing what we’re doing and you’re just taking unnecessary punishment, you know I’m going to fucking snap eventually – and I do. We worked hard. We worked hard to pull this thing off and get here. Nothing means more to me than the safety of everybody that was involved in the event. Not just with COVID-19, but the fight that wasn’t stopped soon enough – all these type of things. Anytime we finish an event, I want everybody to go home safe. It’s not any different now with the COVID-19 thing. We will do everything in our power. We will spend the money. We will get the best, the brightest. We’ll talk to doctors and experts in the field to figure out how to beat it. One of the things I always do is I believe nothing is impossible. Everything can be done, especially in 2020. You just have to be willing to work hard enough, spend some money, and come up with solutions.

UFCs nästa bekräftade gala är i nuläget UFC 250 som planeras äga rum den 7:e juni på en ännu okänd ort.

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