
Dana White tycker att Sage Northcutt ska lägga handskarna på hyllan

Sage Northcutt som tidigare representerade UFC, förlorade sin debut under bara 30 sekunder i ONE-Championship där han nu håller till mot den fruktade Cosmo Alexandre.
TSN:s Aaron Bronsteter träffade UFC:s president Dana White som hade följande att säga angående Sage Northcutt och hans framtid:

I would really like to see Sage Northcutt retire. I hope he does. (He’s a) good looking, charismatic kid, smart. He was an engineer, taking college to be an engineer. He’s got a lot going on in his life. This isn’t the sport for him. I don’t want to sound like I’m (expletive) all over the guy, because I really like the kid a lot, but this isn’t the sport for him. I would love to see him retire before he seriously gets hurt.

Sage håller inte måttet menar White:

Yeah (I don’t think he’s good enough, It’s not that the kid doesn’t have some talent. He does have some talent. This isn’t the sport for him. He needs to retire. Hopefully the people that surround him listen to what I’m saying and set this kid on another path in life, because he can literally do whatever he wants to do. He’s young, he’s smart. Some people have to fight. Sage Northcutt doesn’t have to fight.

Dana White fortsatte att reflektera över Northcutt’s tid I UFC som började då fightern bara var en tonåring:

We took him in so young. We brought the kid in so young and tried to give him some fights to help build, When I let guys go, I let guys go for a reason. If I think a guy has the potential to be the best in the world or is the best in the world, they’re not going anywhere no matter what number anyone throws at them. I’m going to keep what I believe to be the best guys in the world. And when I let you go, look back and see how many times I’ve been wrong when I let somebody go.

White har tidigare sagt att han tycker att BJ Penn ska pensionera sig och nu även Sage Northcutt, vad tycker ni om det som Dana White säger?

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