
Daniel Cormier avskyr Anthony Johnson – Johnson ger svar på tal

Daniel Cormiers relation till Anthony Johnson var respektfull, fram till att Johnson skall ha gett ”råd” till Jon Jones. Genom MMAfighting berättade Cormier att han sett Johnson krama om Jones och haft en längre diskussion med honom. Det är något Cormier inte kan acceptera och hade följande att säga.

What the f**k kind of advice are you giving him? F**king what the f**k? Why are you so friendly? This is a guy that at some point you may have to fight. You’re his friend now? Why the f**k are you his friend? Are you just hoping that he wins because I beat you? What the f**k are you doing?

I’m done dude. Rumble and I have no more relationship. What the f**k are you so friendly with a guy in your weight class for? F**k that. The competitor in you shouldn’t allow you to be that nice to that guy. In my mind, that dude is f**king soft. You should never be that f**king friendly with somebody, especially if it’s somebody that you may end up fighting. We can be respectful but you don’t need to be f**king friendly bobbing all over the place.

The reality is, that s**t pissed me off. I’m not gonna be f**king friends with him anymore, I’m not gonna be f**king respectful with him anymore because who needs to be that f**king nice. Anybody that’s that nice has an ulterior motive, that’s my thought. F**k that.

Den lätta-tungviktsmästaren, Cormier, har fått ett svar tillbaka efter sin intervju där Johnson menar att de aldrig varit vänner, vidare menade Johnson att han inte ser någon mening i att ge Jones några ”råd”. Johnson slutade med att säga att Cormier beter sig som ett litet barn.

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