Nedan finner ni reaktioner på Daniel Cormiers snabba vinst mot Pat Cummins i debuten i lätt tungvikt.
Wow #UFC170
— jason young (@shotgun_young) February 23, 2014
Did we really think that was gonna go any different?
— Ian McCall (@Unclecreepymma) February 23, 2014
Quick finish for Cormier. Guess Patrick cummins shouldn’t have poked the bear #ufc180
— Sarah Kaufman (@mmasarah) February 23, 2014
Don’t fight DC on short notice , don’t fight DC on a months notice , don’t fight DC at all ! #UFC170
— Derek Brunson (@DerekBrunsonMMA) February 23, 2014
What goes on in the wrestling room stays in the wrestling room is what I always say… #NeverWrestled
— James Krause (@TheJamesKrause) February 23, 2014
DAAAAAAANG DC with the aggravated assault and battery. This ain’t the wrestling room #UFC170
— Mackens Semerzier (@MackDaMenaceMMA) February 23, 2014
Who didn’t see that coming…. #UFC170
— Bubba McDaniel (@BubbaTheMenace) February 23, 2014
Talk shit get wrecked.. Way of the beast
— Yancy Medeiros (@ymedeiros) February 23, 2014
DC!!!! #UFC170
— Jerome-Max Holloway (@BlessedMMA) February 23, 2014
If wrestling had punches it would be called Mma, wrestling is wrestling and DC showed PC that! #UFC170
— Brad Tavares (@BradTavares) February 23, 2014
If you think DC should take pats body out to a field and burn it give me a hell yeah! #UFC170
— John Maguire (@MaguireTheOne) February 23, 2014
That’s what happens when u smack talk and disrespect ur opponent!! Great job @dc_mma
— STORMIN NORMAN PARKE (@norman_parke) February 23, 2014
That’s some sweet Karma right there. @dc_mma doing work. #ufc170
— Joe Lauzon (@JoeLauzon) February 23, 2014
I’m not sure what’s scarier @dc_mma as a 205, DC’s hands or the fact that he could probably make 185. #UFC170 TK
— UFC (@ufc) February 23, 2014
Cormier is a beast, but we expected that would happen… #ufc170
— Mark Bocek (@MarkBocek) February 23, 2014
Wow! Best @dc_mma I have seen in the octagon.
— Anthony Perosh (@AnthonyPerosh) February 23, 2014
What a beast! Welcome to 205lb @dc_mma
— Cung Le (@CungLe185) February 23, 2014
No surprise.
— LIZ CARMOUCHE (@iamgirlrilla) February 23, 2014
Well Cummins made more than at the coffee shop ! #UFC170
— Derek Brunson (@DerekBrunsonMMA) February 23, 2014
DC did the damn thing! I thought Cummins had more for him than that! DC looked good!! But this next fight tho!!
— Rashad Evans (@SugaRashadEvans) February 23, 2014
People doubted when I said Cormier would crush Strikeforce GP field and that he would win UFC gold. If I was a 205er, I’d be damn nervous.
— Pat Miletich (@patmiletich) February 23, 2014
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