
Darren Till är inte rädd för Yoel Romero

Welterviktaren Darren Till berättade nyligen att han inte vill gå match mot Yoel Romero eftersom att han är rädd för honom, men utmsnsde sedsn den kubanske fightern på sociala medier när han var full.

Till menar nu att han bara skämtade och han faktiskt skulle möta Romero.

Det här berättade han via ’MMAUK’:

I don’t take myself too seriously. If Colin [Heron] was still here right now, he’d probably be shouting at me but if you turned a corner and said ‘Darren’s scared to fight Yoel.’ I think you’d pretty much know the response. Me coming from the gym I come from and the master I’ve been taught under. He’s like a Shaolin monk. Colin goes to the gym in the morning and he stays in the gym at night.


But I’m not scared of Yoel. It’s just, don’t take life too seriously. I understand, I realize and I recognize what Yoel is as a fighter, as a human. He walks in here, he’s a specimen. It’s just jokes, mate. People shouldn’t take it too seriously. I’ve seen actually a few people take it seriously and I’m like come on, mate. Have a day off from yourself.’ Whether you think Yoel would beast me around or not is totally irrelevant. This is all down to the fact that me saying I was scared of Yoel. And then people are like ‘wow, he’s actually said that. After giving a great interview, he’s just said that. Two, three, four days later, he calls him out and then he regrets calling him out. Then he posts the gorilla running away. It’s all fun and games, mate, really.

Till vet att han behöver möta någon inom topp 5 härnäst En match kan eventuellt bli av mot den forne mellanviktsmästaren Robert Whittaker. De två har under en tid varit på varandra på sociala medier.

Vem vill ni se Till möta härnäst?

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