
Duke Roufus: CM Punk har blivit 200% bättre

Det pratades under lång tid om WWE-stjärnan Phil Brooks (CM Punk) debut i UFC och krävde en hel del förberedelse. När Brooks sedan gjorde debuten mot Mickey Gall i weltervikt, slutade mötet med en submission-förlust i första ronden. Det pratas nu om att en ny chans i buren väntar Brooks.

Enligt Duke Roufous, som bland andra har tränat bantamviktsmästaren T.J. Dillashaw, ska Brooks nu ha förbättrats avsevärt.

Det här hadde Roufus att säga via ’The Luke Thomas Show on SiriusXM Rush’:

200 percent [better]. I’m not even his coach. We were friends first before we did this. I would not do this with anyone else except for my friendship with him from before he decided to fight. He’s just one hell of a guy. He’s a celebrity but he’s different than a lot of celebrities I know. Great guy. He works his ass off. He’s very well-liked on our team and he’s improved a lot.

Brooks hade ingen bakgrund inom kampsport innan debuten i UFC, men Roufus vill påpeka att Gall var en mycket svår motståndare. Man ska nu ha funnit en mer passande motståndare som man förhandlar med om ett möte, men Roufus avslöjar inga detaljer ännu.

Let’s face it, Mickey Gall was a tough draw, He’s done quite well in the UFC so far. I think the UFC did the right thing. We don’t want to defame the sport or damage it by putting him in an un-legitimate fight. That being said, it’s very hard. They want him to come in and beat somebody, ya know.

We’re in the process of finishing up the bout agreement and the UFC’s gonna make the announcement soon. It’s a good match on both sides. Can’t confirm what date it is. Obviously we’re hoping it’s Chicago, to join Sergio and a bunch of our other teammates on that card.

När man berättade att UFC kommer att hålla UFC 225 i Chicago, spekulerades det om Brooks kommer att vara med på kortet då han är född och uppvuxen i staden.

Enligt Roufus kommer Brooks att göra stora framsteg framöver, då han lägger ner mycket tid och arbete i träningen.

He’s worked his butt off. Very dedicated guy and I respect him a lot because he comes in and takes his lumps. I’m not saying getting beat up or anything erroneously, but he comes in, he’s tired and he’s exhausted There’s no celebrity about him. He grinds just like everyone else. That’s why he got to the top of the wrestling world and that’s why I respect him so much. I love anyone that has a great attitude and works hard. You help but love them, win lose or draw. This is the fight game and it all comes down to effort most of the time.

Vem skulle vara en passande motståndare för CM Punk?

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