
Fabricio Werdum svär åter bli tungviktsmästare i år

Den mycket efterlängtade galan UFC 220, där Stipe Miocic framgångsrikt försvarade sitt bälte mot hajpade Francis Ngannou, tog plats natten till söndagen. Stipe Miocic slog därmed rekord som den tungviktare som längst hållit i titeln i UFC.

Miocic övertog bältet från Fabricio Werdum, vilken han besegrade i 1:a ronden via knockout under UFC 198 för snart två år sen. Nu siktar Werdum på att bli mästarens näste utmanare och ta tilbaka titeln:

The UFC said nothing yet, but I think I’m the next one. I deserve this. Not just because of my last fights, but [I’ve been fighting] for 20 years. I’ve [been fighting] for a long. I think I deserve it. My goal is to put one more belt on my wall. I have two. The third one coming, for sure. […] 100 percent, I will be a champion this year again. I know Stipe Miocic. I respect him. I like him.

[Miocic] doesn’t say nothing like bad things. He’s a nice guy, for sure. But, 100 percent: When I fought him before, I lost to myself. I lost to me. Because of a lot of things. This time – 100 percent, he’s a good fighter. But 100 percent, I beat him. I saw this today. I’m feeling this. This year, 2018, I want to see everything. I want to train a lot to be a champion again. I don’t just fight for fighting. I’ve proved it before. I got [the title] two times. The first time, versus Mark Hunt, was like an interim belt. But, for me, it’s the same thing.

Fabricio Werdum mötte och besegrade senast Travis Browne under UFC 203.

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