
Floyd Mayweather förklarar varför Conor McGregor landade fler slag än Manny Pacquiao

Floyd Mayweather

Det har nu gått ett par veckor sedan supermatchen mellan Conor McGregor och Floyd Mayweather gick av stapeln. McGregor imponerade på många genom hans framgångsrika start.

McGregor landade fler slag än vissa av Mayweathers tidgare motståndare, inklusive Manny Pacquiao och Miguel Cotto. Detta är en statistik som inte betyder särskilt mycket enligt Mayweather eftersom han inte kontringsboxade, Mayweather uttryckte sig på följande sätt om denna statistik via FightHype:

That’s because I wasn’t counter-punching and boxing, when asked about McGregor outlanding Pacquiao, Cotto, and Mosley. The reason why he probably landed a higher percentage or landed more shots than those guys was because I was coming straight ahead, I was barely moving, knocking his shots down a little bit and just breaking him down. That was the game plan, let him shoot everything. I know he was gonna shoot shots from awkward positions but the game plan was to dig into the body with good shots, hit him with left hooks, hit him with straight right hands and keep walking towards him, keep pressing him and pushing him back.
I could have just stayed on the outside, out-boxed him and counter-punched him, and probably still stop him down the stretch but that’s not what I wanted to do. I wanted to press and push him.

Mayweathers strategi i boxningsmötet med McGregor fungerade väl, Mayweather tog över efter rond fyra och stoppade McGregor i den tionde ronden. Mayweather sa även att han prioriterade att boxningsmatchen skulle vara underhållande och på grund av detta var det lättare för McGregor att landa slag på Mayweather:

I told you guys I was going to go straight ahead and I know going straight ahead I was gonna take some contact, I was gonna get hit with some shots, but I wanted to give the fans and everybody around the world an exciting fight and I feel that’s what we did.

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