
GSP om fuskare & USADA: ”Fortfarande väldigt lätt att fuska”

georges st-pierre bälte

Den forne mellan- och welterviktsmästaren Georges St-Pierre gästade för ett tag sedan UFC-kommentatorn Joe Rogans podcast. Där leddes ämnet in på USADA och fuskare i MMA. Något GSP känner väldigt starkt för och något som var en av huvudanledningarna till att han valde att kliva av MMA-scenen så pass länge som han gjorde.

Genom ’The MMA Show’ med Rogan, sade UFC-veteranen att han tror, att det är fullt möjligt att fuska precis lika lätt idag som tidigare, trots att USADA har en större roll i UFC.

Even now, it’s still easy to [cheat]. Even now. Let’s say I want to have an injection of a product that will last in my body for two days or one day. So I know that particular day I cannot be tested, because if I am, I’m screwed. So I put on my [USADA] whereabouts [app] that I’m traveling to freakin’ Antarctica or anywhere, somewhere that is believable, and then I come back two days after. That substance will stay in my body for a certain period of time, but the effect of it will last maybe a month. And now we’re talking about performance enhancing drugs — people, they misunderstand this.

They go, ‘Well yeah, but it still doesn’t make a difference.’ Yes, it does make the different in an athlete. And the reason, in the eighties and before, [PEDs gave] you more power, more stamina, more endurance. Now, man, with the technology, they have stuff that will change your reaction time, your confidence, your reset time. And this is a huge, huge application, man. If you play baseball or you’re fighting, you see the things coming, you have your reaction time, you’re sharper in the brain. What makes a guy athletic, it’s not his muscle. The reason why Usain Bolt ran faster — there’s many reasons why, but one of the main reasons is because his brain, his nervous system is faster.

And if you make your nervous system better and more competent, you’re a better athlete. You’re a better fighter, you’re a better baseball player. You’re a better person, in a way. Of course that effect is limited, but there’s still the muscle memory thing that will last and it could last forever.

Vidare fick han frågan om han trodde att Johny Hendricks fuskade när de båda ställdes mot varandra under ’UFC 167’. En match GSP vann genom delat domslut. Han har sina aningar men ville inte säga rakt ut att han tror Hendricks fuskade.

You asked me if I think he was taking [PEDs]. I don’t know. I have suspicions, but it’s not right if you don’t have the evidence to accuse someone. And even today, do I think there’s a lot of guys who take steroids and performance-enhancing drugs? Yes. And I have an idea of who, and I’m pretty — like, just for my gut feeling — 99.9 percent sure. But I don’t have the evidence.

It’s not what you think, it’s not what you know. It’s what you can prove. And I don’t know. I’m in the game, I’m talking to a lot of people. Between fighters, we know who does. There’s only a few handful of people who do the whole thing [in regards to supplying PEDs]. One guy could do this team, this team, this team, and one other guy can do two teams. The word goes around, man. Especially when you’re a complete fighter, the word goes around.

St-Pierre gick sin senaste match mot Michael Bisping under UFC 217. En match GSP vann genom rear-naked choke i den tredje ronden. Det var hans första match sedan 2013 och en match där han erövrade mellanviktsbältet.

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