John Lineker var planerad för ett möte med Jimmie Rivera under UFC 219, men meddelade idag att han blivit tvungen att dra sig ur på grund av en akut operation av en tandinfektion. Nu ber Lineker om ursäkt och siktar på att åtevända till buren så snart han kan.
Det här berättade Lineker via ’MMAJunkie’:
I am really sad to have to withdraw from my fight with Rivera. I felt a little pain in the beginning of the week, went to the dentist and got treated, but (the pain) just kept getting worse. I came to Las Vegas early and tried to stay in the fight, but it was simply impossible.
I would like to apologize to Rivera. I know how much it sucks when this happens. I want to apologize to Sean Shelby and the UFC. I begged them for the fight, and they agreed, and now I feel horrible to have to withdraw. And I need to apologize to the fans.
I know that this would have been a great fight and everyone was looking forward to it. Hopefully Rivera and the UFC will agree to reschedule as soon as I can be ready to fight again.
Det var tidigare osäkert om Rivera skulle hinna få en ny ersättare för galan, men nu ser det ut som att han kommer att få möta Marlon Moraes istället.