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Jon Jones tränare: ”Därför besegrade vi Alexander Gustafsson”

Tränare till Jon Jones, Mike Winkeljohn, berättar för MMAFighting om hur deras matchstrategi såg ut i returmatchen mot Alexander Gustafsson. Winkeljohn berättar att han fick ett hett tips av just MMAFightings Luke Thomas om hur de skulle ändra sin strategi. Nyckeln till segern var en större volym av sparkar, säger Winkeljohn.

His striking a whole is just starting to evolve more and more and more, there’s no doubt about it. t’s all about being more comfortable in those ranges, just timing and repetition. Jon was really more of a wrestler when he first started, but I feel he’s turned into the best striker in the game because he’s so unpredictable.

And I think his kicks have gotten so much harder, so much better, that now people worry about the kicks so much that the hands start playing out. So I think it all goes together.

I actually had thought maybe by the third round we would have worn him down a little bit, but Jon got in there, got that takedown a little bit sooner than I had thought we would and once Jon gets on top of somebody they almost always turn because they don’t want the bloody mess from the elbows and it played out the way we thought

Vara tålmodig

I thought we were going to have to pressure a little bit more, I thought Gustafsson was going to give space, but he put some pressure on us and Jon went back to a little bit longer space moving away a little bit, kind of waiting for Gustafsson and then doing what we wanted to do, which was break his legs down, break him down with hard kicks to the body and to the legs to make it hard for him to move in on us and get to that boxing range. And then eventually make it harder for him to defend the takedowns.

Jon Jones lyckades till slut få ned svensken på backen i rond tre under UFC 232. Där avslutade han matchen genom teknisk knockout.

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