Under gårdagen uppdagades det att Nate Diaz flaggats av USADA och riskerar att dra sig ur stormatchen mot Jorge Masvidal, om BMF-bältet. Jon Jones väljer nu att sympatisera med Diaz via sin Twitter.
I’m not gonna make it out to NYC for fight week next week because they say I tested with elevated levels that they say might be from some tainted supplements. I call false on that cause I only take Whole Food or natural food supplements. I don’t even eat meat. So until UFC, Usada or whoever is F*****G with me Fixes it, I won’t be competing. I’m not gonna play their game and try and hide it or keep quiet, as they suggested. I’m not gonna have my name as tainted as a cheater like these other motherf*****s who keep quiet until after the fight just so they can get paid. f****n cheaters.
Jon Jones har som tidigare känt hamnat i blåsväder med just USADA. Nu tar han till Twitter och skickar ut sympatihälsningar till Diaz.
Not many people in the world know what you’re feeling right now, I do. Keep your head up man. I knew I was innocent and was willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and countless hours with scientists and lawyers to prove it.
— Jon Bones Jones (@JonnyBones) October 24, 2019
Jones fortsatte visa sin support i ytterligare en ’tweet’.
I know you feel like someone is setting you up, that’s exactly how I felt. At times its going to feel like a pretty hopeless situation but maybe it’s not, you can’t just give up and do nothing. This is a different type of fight man, you owe it to your fans to fight it.
— Jon Bones Jones (@JonnyBones) October 24, 2019
Lätt tungviktsmästaren Jones har tidigare själv lyckas besegra dopinganklagelserna. Jones blev tillslut friad och godkänd att gå match.
I dagsläget har vi varken ett uttalande från UFC eller USADA angående Diaz dopingöverträdelser.