Obesegrade titelutmanaren Dominick Reyes har en stor uppgift framför sig under helgens gala UFC 247, där han ska försöka ta ner Jon Jones från tronen som lätt-tungviktsmästaren i UFC.
Reyes är dock säker på att han kan klara det och menar att han kommer utnyttja Jones boxning för att få övertaget.
Via ’UFC Athlete Panel’:
It’s no secret that Jon isn’t the best boxer in the UFC. He’s a great kickboxer. He has great range. He uses his kicks very well. But he’s not the best boxer. I intend to exploit that.
I think my boxing is probably the best in the division. With footwork and fearlessness, I’ll get in there and put these hands on him.
We’ll find out on Saturday. I’m a true southpaw. I got this left hand with me right here. We’ll see what happens.
Det tog inte lång tid för Jones att svara på detta, där han påminde Reyes att boxningen bara är en liten del av hans arsenal.
Via ’MMAFighting’:
Have you seen his mitt work? He has a tremendous left hand. I’m sure he’s going to work on his right hand, especially because I’ve brought it up so much. But my job is not to go out there and get into a boxing match.
My job is to be the better mixed martial arts fighter. Like I said, I’m very aware that his best counters come in boxing combinations and I’m not going to give him what he wants. It’s going to be a mixed martial arts fight.
He has power. We can’t deny that. I’ve seen him kick people in the head and knock them out. I’ve seen him drop people with that left and you’ve got to respect it. At the end of the day, I could sit in front of you guys and act like I’ve got it all in the bag but at the end of the day, you don’t know what’s going to happen out there. Anything can happen out there.
So I’ve just got to respect him tremendously, which I have. We’ve done everything possible that we can do to be strong mentally, spiritually, physically for this fight. He’s a worthy opponent.
Kommer boxningen att bli en avgörande aspekt i deras möte? Tror ni Reyes kommer att kunna utnyttja detta för att ta hem segern?