
Jose Aldo hade en spion i Frankie Edgars gym

Jose Aldo besegrade senast Frankie Edgar via ett enhälligt domslut, då de möttes under UFC 200 i en interimtitelmatch. Nu meddelar Aldo att han hade spioner där Edgar tränade, och detta hade han att säga via ”MMAFighting”:

If I kicked, he’d take me down. We had a few spies from the other side, people that were training close to him the entire week, and they always came and talked to us. So I had to stop kicking and using my left hand, because he would counter on that.

Of course I had spies. Otherwise, why wouldn’t I kick? That’s my instinct. So we always have a spy. We send someone to be a part of that training room and then they give us information. We get that information and know what they are training.

Thank God it always happens, man. We always have Brazilians in the other corners. When I go train in the first day, I also see the list of cornerman. And, if there’s a Brazilian, we go after him and ask him to take a look, because that helps a lot.

När vi kommer att få se Aldo återvända in i oktogonen återstår att se, men troligtvis blir det i ett returmöte mot fjäderviktsmästaren Conor McGregor.

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